Brazilian Coffee Brands
Brazilian Coffee Brands beans are some of the best coffee beans in the world!
In this article, we will show you the top coffee beans brands that feature beans from Brazil.
We will also talk about what coffee bean species Brazil supports, where the highest quality Brazilian beans are grown (to help you recognize the bean names to get), and we feature four amazing Brazilian Coffee Brands that meet all the criteria for coffee bean greatness.
Fun Fact…
One reason Brazil is at the top as a coffee bean producing country, is that they produce a little over 30 percent of all coffee beans world wide. Although, if you can believe it, this is a drop from 80 percent of the world’s coffee beans a little under 100 years ago.
Those are crazy numbers. No wonder Brazilian Coffee Brands can claim to be the best. They’ve been owning this market for centuries.
Coffee Bean Species
The coffee bean species of Arabica and Robusta are the vast majority of bean varieties that are produced in Brazil. This matches what occurs world wide with Arabica still being the big winner.
Since coffee beans are often grown towards the regions near the equator, you might think that the Amazon rain forest would be an ideal location for coffee bean farming.
However, this isn’t the case for Brazilian Arabica varieties of coffee beans.
And, even though a fair amount of Robusta is grown near parts of the Amazon rain forest, the region that does grow Robusta is still only a small percentage of the rain forest.
These Robusta coffee bean farms are located towards the south western borders of Brazil.
The regions of Brazil that have higher elevations provide the ideal soil and environment for growing great coffee.
Because of that, the Amazon just doesn’t provide that ideal culture for coffee bean farming.
The Coffee Bean Southeastern Brazilian States
Brazilian coffee brands beans are grown in the largest quantities in three southeastern states in Brazil:
- São Paulo
- Minas Gerais
- Paraná
The remaining Brazilian region that produces coffee beans grows primarily Robusta.
São Paulo
São Paulo is the second largest of the three interconnected coffee bean Brazilian states.
But, it also is the largest in population, sporting the largest city with the same name, with that city being the largest in the southern hemisphere.
São Paulo for the most part built it’s industry and richness on the back of the coffee bean industry. They have been a huge supplier of Brazilian coffee brands for hundreds of years.
Minas Gerais
Minas Gerais is a sister state to São Paulo. In addition to coffee bean farms, Minas Gerais has a booming dairy industry.
São Paulo and Minas Gerais are sometimes referred together as the “café com leite” states. Or, the “coffee and milk” states. So, these two have some great synergy.
The Brazilian state of Minas Gerais is almost twice the size of São Paulo, yet São Paulo managed to grow it’s business sectors at much higher production levels mainly due to coastal access for world wide exports.
Paraná is practically a suburb of São Paulo. Primary growth in this region started on the coastal region of the state as São Paulo coffee business grew.
Eventually the northern part of Paraná was cultivated into coffee bean farms, again as a result of São Paulo growth.
Brazilian Coffee Brands
With all of the different Brazilian brands of coffee beans that are available, it can be difficult to find the best.
But, we’ve done it, just for you!
These Brazilian coffee brands beans are all varieties that have pleased coffee drinkers everywhere.
See if you can spot our favorite.
Dark Brazilian Cerrado
This medium dark roast from Fresh Roasted Coffee, considers itself to be environmentally friendly as a roaster.With chocolaty and woody notes, Cerrado has a bold taste that should satisfy the coffee drinker that finds medium roasts a little to watery, but the darker roasts just a tad too bitter.
Cerrado was described in a review by easy drinker as “Dark Brazilian Cerrado whole bean Coffee has a very nice dark flavor that’s not overpowering or bitter.
It’s called a dark roast but it has an almost middle of the road flavor. But it certainly doesn’t have that medium roast flavor at all which I dislike.
It’s just not as strong as some other dark roasts. It’s especially nice for the price and I would definitely buy this coffee again“.
Move Over Kona described Cerrado Dark Roast as “Low acid, amazing bouquet, rich flavor and deep color all make it my bean of choice. I agree with the SIX star rating of others“.
Many others agreed that this coffee roast was very low with regard to acidity.
Brazil Adrano Volcano Coffee
This unroasted Brazilian coffee brand comes from Pocos de Caldas, a municipality in the southern most regions of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.This municipality is mostly made of high plateau’s formed from the surrounding mountains.
This becomes an ideal location for growing coffee beans.
Heirloom Coffee LLC harvests these Yellow Catuai and Red Mundo Novo Arabicas coffee beans.
This combination of coffee beans provides a very low acidity. One reviewer reports “But one outstanding thing I noticed is that this coffee is very low to almost none in acidity, especially when compared with the Tarrazu Costa Rican coffee I previously had”.
The quality of these beans avoids bitterness even with a very dark roast. This makes them especially great for espresso.
Just make sure you are planning on doing your own roasting when you make this purchase.
By the way…
You don’t need special equipment to do your own roasting. Many do their own roasting in a generic oven or a popcorn maker. Others use a little oil with a stove top pot.
Roasting can be a lot of fun. Plus you get to figure out what roasting level is your favorite by trying each of the roasting styles (see the infographic at the bottom of this page).
Fresh Roasted Coffee Kosher Unroasted Brazil Cerrado Beans
We have featured Fresh Roasted Coffee brand several times before. So, it’s not a big surprise that they have such an amazing coffee bean from Brazil.This specific product provided by Fresh Roasted Coffee is special because it provide a high quality certified Kosher choice.
Vegans can also feel confident that they are staying animal friendly with this Brazilian bean.
We’ve selected these beans for those in our audience that prefer to do their own roasting.
Why does this matter?
Please don’t get these beans if you aren’t planning to roast them yourself.
For some coffee bean roasting tips, don’t forget to visit our page that searches for other unroasted beans. There are some tips there about how to roast.
Also, scroll down to the bottom of this page where we’ve created an infographic that shows the best temperatures to roast at to get the desired outcome.
Dark Brazilian Santos
Almost 700 people have taken the time to write up a review for these coffee beans.
And, the verdict is: Delicious!
Out of every 100 people, ninety six love these beans, and only 4 hate them. There’s a bum in every crowd.
Coffee Bean Direct performs there usual trick of bagging the coffee beans within 24 hours of roasting. So, you know you are getting a fresh batch just as if you roasted it yourself.
Except with this product, you don’t have to do the work, and you get a master chef that ensures the exact timing for the roast.
The label says “Dark”. However, may reviewers say this isn’t too dark if you are adverse to a darker roast.
For example, reviewer AS Atwood described Santos as “This is described as a dark roast. I’d describe it as something like “full city roast plus.” It’s dark…but not too dark. The beans are just to the point of releasing some oils, but not full on oily”.
Roasting Chart
If you chose to buy some green beans, here is a roasting chart to get you started:
Related Articles
Read more information about Brazilian Coffee Brands and where they grow their beans in this article about coffee bean locations.
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