Best Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans
I WANT the best Best Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans! I review the 4 best Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans for flavor, cost, and opinions of users worldwide.
Coffee and chocolate are two of best tasting ingredients that can be found! Why not combine the two to come up with something truly amazing?
I love both of these as well. And, in this article I share our research that found the best combinations of these two special ingredients.
If you love coffee…
If you love chocolate…
Then, grab a napkin and prepare to wipe your chin dry as you wade through this article that discusses what roasts work the best, when is the best time to have these tasty nuggets around, and why each of our top picks will absolutely leave you wanting more.
Do You Want the BEST Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans?
Well, of course you would. That’s why you are here.
So, let’s rev up those engines and get going!
Types of Chocolate? Types of Roasts?

“chocolate covered coffee beans” by Lily, via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
When you think of the types of coffee you like, you often think in terms of light versus medium versus dark roast.
Well, with chocolate, many people find they do the same thing. There’s Milk (light), Medium (usually a lighter dark), and Dark.
And, then there is that wildcard player: White chocolate.
What is the real story?
Do dark chocolate and dark roast go the best together?
Let’s see what the research tells us.
Espresso Beans Dominate
When trying to find different chocolate covered coffee beans, one thing becomes clear very quickly.
Espresso beans rule!
They are the bean of choice for the highest quality chocolate covered coffee bean treats.
An espresso bean is typically roasted dark. Often very dark.
It makes sense that the dark strong flavor of espresso mixed with the sweetness of chocolate provides a wonderful mixture that delites the palette.
Bottom line?
Below I share what brands my research found to be the best. These products also make great birthday and/or Christmas (or Hanukkah if you go dark enough that the treat stays Kosher).
Below we’ll cover what is amazing about each, and then you can decide if any of our top picks hit the spot.
Warning! Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans May Cause Fame
While researching, I stumbled across this YouTube video where the parents of a little girl had to stop allowing her to eat chocolate covered coffee beans because she became uncontrollable cute.
She is a real pip. Enjoy!
My List Of The Best Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans
It’s time to put your napkin to work.
My research found that these products are not only a good value purchase. These chocolate covered coffee beans garnered consistent positive feedback from customers.
If you are looking for that perfect gift for a special occasion, then surprise your coffee lover friend. They will not be disappointed.
Without further ado…
1. Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Coffee Beans
Ghirardelli is well know for high quality chocolate. So, it’s no surprise that they have such positive reviews when it comes to chocolate covered beans.
The packaging for this treat is a stand up Ziploc bag that also doubles as storage.
One reviewer had a great idea of giving these beans away as a wedding favor.
How did it work out?
Guests were so pleased and many ended up contacting them later to find out where they could buy more.
The scuttlebutt around the internet is that ordering online provides a fresher product than you can get at your local grocery store.
2. Sweet Gourmet Milk Chocolate Espresso Coffee Beans
Sweet Gourmet out of Tyler Texas dials down the chocolaty darkness levels with this milk chocolate espresso coffee bean.What does the public say?
Reviewers seem to really love this combination of espresso coffee bean and milk chocolate.
One reviewer beamed “These taste amazing!”.
Another milk chocolate lover stated “Nice, sweet chocolate, not as bitter as some others I’ve tried”.
Why is this important?
If you are not a dark chocolate fan, these would be the best chocolate covered coffee beans to try.
The question is:
Can you stop yourself from eating an entire bag of these United States manufactured tasty treats in one sitting?
3. Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans
California based Trader Joe’s is a specialty grocery store that carries all kinds of odds and ends products like chocolate covered coffee beans.
While visiting our relatives in San Diego, I found that I love all kinds of Trader Joe’s products.
While Ghirardelli’s had higher review ratings (with fewer reviews), Trader Joe’s is the #1 ranked product in the Amazon Candy & Chocolate Coated Espresso Beans Department.
If you’re looking for a Kosher or vegan product, this might not be the one for you as the label says “Contains soy. May contain traces of wheat, milk, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts”.
But, if you aren’t concerned with those limitations, then you can’t go wrong buying these.
Just be careful. As one buyer reports “These are like crack cocaine, I am selling everything I own to buy more”.
4. Dilettante Chocolate Espresso Bean Blend – White, Milk & Dark Chocolate
If you want to please the family that can’t agree on what type of chocolate is the best.
Or, maybe you just like variety.
Then, Dilettante might be the best choice for you and yours.
This product provides a mixture of white, milk and dark chocolate covered espresso coffee beans.
The packaging and presentation is simply beautiful. So, if you’re looking for a gift that packs a visual punch when opened, this is exactly what you should be looking for.
If you are looking for a non-GMO product, this might not be the one for you.
But, seriously…
This is candy we’re talking about here. Are you really looking for a healthy alternative when you reach for these and bust your diet?
By the way, the reviewer comments for this product were very positive. So, splurge away!
By The Cup Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans
The company By The Cup from Indiana, supplies this well received product.The packaging is not the best. So, if you want this as a gift, you may have to do the “make this pretty” part.
But, based on the reviews, the packaging didn’t hurt this product.
The By The Cup folks are a family-owned and family-run business with seven decades of experience. So, if they didn’t spend all that time on the packaging, you know all that experience and dedication has gone into producing a really special tasting product.
The beans are from Costa Rica, which is well know for producing high quality beans.
The chocolate is called dark. But, the taste is more of a milder dark. But, it still is a great taste. Just know that if you prefer very dark, this might disappoint.
These beans also provide a good caffeine punch. Many commented in the reviews that after 10 or so beans, they could feel a real pick-me-up come on.
Related Articles
Here we have other related articles:
Best Chocolate Covered Coffee Bean Conclusions
If you are a coffee lover and sometimes want a sweet kick in the butt to power you through that afternoon drowsy period of the day, a fantastic chocolate covered coffee bean product is just what you need.
The caffeine kick to get you going. The delicious sweet addition to put you into an amazing mood to finish the work day.
Do You Want the BEST Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans?
What could be better?
For me, not much (where is that bag now, as I finish this article). What? Empty? I guess it’s time to invest in some more of the best chocolate covered coffee beans to keep me going for the rest of the week.
2 Responses to “Best Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans”
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I am looking for a LIGHT! roast coffee bean covered with at least a 70% cocoa content dark chocolate.Can you direct me to a source?
Thank you!
Maisha Labe,
Thank you for your interested in our web site. Your request was not a very easy request. But, I did find one web site that seems to offer what you are looking for:
I can’t really vouch for this product since I haven’t tried it. But, hopefully this will be a good product for you.
Thank you for your support of our web site. Hopefully, you will tell your friends and maybe share our site on your social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc)?
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